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Kwame Sousa

São Tomé e Príncipe

São Tomé e Príncipe

Kwame Sousa (1980, São Tomé e Príncipe) is a self-taught artist. In 2014 he participated in the Architecture Biennale in Venice and at the Lisbon Cinema Festival with the video ‘Moinga House’, a project in collaboration with artists René Tavares. Sousa is also teacher at Atelier M, the art school of São Tomé. He creates installations, paintings and sculpture, in which he aims to challenge general societal standards.

Kwame Sousa sees the visual arts as human, social and economic development capital: a source of self-esteem, vertical solidarity and social cohesion, favouring the emotional perception of belonging to an identity, self-knowledge, freedom of speech and intercultural dialogue as social values. His most recent work, ‘O Reino Angolar a Origem’, Origin of the Angolar Kingdom, researches and traces the largely unknown origin of the Angolares, a group of Santomense people with a distinctive culture and language of their own.

Kwame Souza (1980, São Tomé e Príncipe) é
um artista autodidata. Em 2014 participou daBienal de Arquitetura de Veneza e no Festival

de Cinema de Lisboa, com o vídeo ‘MoingaHouse’, um projeto em colaboração com o artista René Tavares. Souza também é professor noAtelier M, a escola de arte de São Tomé. Ele criainstalações, pinturas e esculturas, com as quaispretende desa ar os padrões gerais da sociedade.

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